Ok so my goal is to have my blog updated by the end of the year... who knows if it is likely to happen... However I want to print it... so maybe that will give me some incentive... I wanted to put a few funny things on here before I forget them... out of the mouths of my cute boys :)
One morning on the way to school Ethan asked me what car he was going to get when he turned 16?!! Here is our conversation:
Me: "If you're lucky you will be driving the car I am driving right now" :)
Ethan: " I think I want a van"
Me: " You want a van?"
Ethan: " Yeah I want a van, or a car like Will's" ( Tahoe)
Me: " How about a car like Will's then"
Ethan: " No I want a van, a green one with blue on the inside"
Me: " Ok you remember that when you are 16! " :)
I love this kid, he comes up with some funny stuff...
The other day at church we were sitting in sacrament.. and someone was bearing their testimony and they were crying.... Ethan looks at me and says " mom, don't even think about crying!" All I could do was laugh!!
Lando was here one night and he was in the bathroom, and Haze went and knocked on the door.. and Lando asked " Who is it?" and Hazen said " It's me Hazen" and Lando said " who is that?" and Hazen said " It's me Hazen, Ethan's best friend" I thought this was so cute :)
I don't think there is anything more precious than listening to a child say their prayers. Haze says the cutest prayers... he blesses the whole entire world, and names everyone he knows, he blesses Blaze(lando's dog), he blesses the" whole entire ghost", the prophet, and tonight he said " bless us to watch cartoons, and to pick E up from school", and he ends every prayer with Jesus loves us. I think it is so cute to listen to both of my boys, it just melts my heart :)
I am so grateful for two wonderful kids, even on nights like tonight, when Tai and I attempted to take them shopping, and they were running all over and I wanted to pull my hair out.. all they have to do is say " I love you mommy" and I can't even be mad anymore.. I am sure this is all part of their plan.. but it works :)
Thursday, December 9
I am TERRIBLE at blogging....
5:27 PM
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Wednesday, May 19
Easter 2010
Better late than never is my motto when it comes to my blog... someday I will be caught up... not anytime soon however :) Coloring eggs....
Making cookies with Aunt Tai, who didn't want her picture taken :)
Easter Egg hunt at Grandma's house.....
Random pics of everyone....
the fam, minus lando, me and my husband mack :)
Jason, Mack, Brooks, me, Tai and Kado... where are you Lando?? :)
10:47 PM
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Country Style...
In March, Cole and I went to the Jason Aldean concert with Kado and Sam. We went to Texas Roadhouse first, cuz it just isn't country without Roadhouse :) Everyone there thought Sam and I were sisters :) Too funny... but we had a blast at the concert! I couldn't hear for a few days after but it was a blast none the less... thanks Kado and Sam for going with us!! And if you didn't notice we went country style haha
10:17 PM
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A bunch of Randomness....
Here are a bunch of random pictures that I wanted to add.. just so I could remember things :)Hazen wanted his own cowboy hat, so I found this one for him, and he basically didn't take it off for a week.. so cute :)
My brother Jason and his wife had a new baby in March, this is Tess.. she is so adorable.
Lando and Nat had a baby puppy in March also, ha ha this is my new nephew Blazer, when he was little with blue eyes..
This is a random pic of us girls when we went to Dear John, great movie might I add, love Channing Tatum haha.. we all got together again for the Last Song also, but I don't have pics... but you gotta love girls night out!!
9:52 PM
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Monday, April 5
Valentine's Festivities... On Valentine's Haze took Mack a rose, I had to post this pic, I absolutely love it!!
The week of Valentine's we went to my mom's and made Valentine cookies.. the kids had a blast and I loved it, cuz I just ate them as we went!! :) Super good, and of course Mack was in heaven, sugar cookies are her favorite!!
8:55 PM
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Here we go again....
Once again I let my blog get WAY behind!! So here is my attempt at catching up... more to come...
**In February we went down to Salt Lake for Gabe's baptism, and of course I didn't get any pics there. I did get a few of all the kids playing together and of Papa and Mimmie... the kids always have a blast playing with their cousins.. it was also good to see Papa and Mimmie since they have been off on their adventure we don't get to see them as much....**These are a few of our goofy pics from our Superbowl party....
..That's right, Mack and I were Saints supporters.... :) The pic of Mack and Haze is adorable!
I had to post pics of Kado, Ethan, and Hazen's fort.... we had a sleepover at my mom's and you just can't have a sleepover without a fort, and you can't have a fort without a TV in it haha.. they stayed up watching movies all night... Ethan told Kado to draw the sign, and specifically told him to draw a girl and then put an X through her, haha He honestly wouldn't let me or Mack in... too funny!
One night Lan and the boys decided to build a snowman... they were outside for ever perfecting the snowman... it had to have a perfect face, and arms or Ethan wouldn't be happy... don't you just love the licorice eyebrows.. I think Landon had as much fun as my boys did :)
My brother Jason's birthday was in January, we all got together and had a little party for him. We love you tons Jason!!
6:03 PM
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Tuesday, February 2
Funny Pics...
So Ethan and Hazen both have an obsession with my camera, they both love to take pics lately. The other night, Ethan wanted to take funny pics, so we did. They took turns taking pics :) Me being the creative person that I am, basically pulled the same face in every one. But in my defense of dumb kissy face pics... Ethan obviously takes after me cuz he is doing it in most of them too ha ha I love these little stinkers!
9:23 PM
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