I can't believe Landon is 23!!! Wow where does time go, I swear he was just barely 16. He is such a good kid and we love him lots. He is such a good brother and uncle. Look out ladies!! He's on the market ha ha We had a party for him and Whit yesterday. Here are some pics.. He was way excited to get this, so he can cook now :)
Monday, June 16
Happy Birthday Landito Burrito!!
10:08 PM
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Sunday, June 15
Happy Father's Day!!!
Wow I am so blessed to have so many amazing "fathers" in my life. I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day--- To my Daddy:) I love him so much and hope he always knows this. He has always been there for us and supported us no matter what. I am so happy he is feeling better this year and now has the energy to be the silly crazy dad and grandpa he is. :) One thing my dad has taught me is that a little sarcasm will never hurt anyone, right Cole ha ha. One of my dad's greatest characteristics is that he can always make you laugh, he's super funny just like me ha ha. He's really caring and would do anything for you. I really couldn't ask for a better dad.
We love you lots Dad, and my boys love their Papa Scott, thanks for everything!! You're the Best!!
To my stepdad: Thanks for always working so hard to take care of all of us, and never complaining:) He would also do anything for any of us. He is such a good dad and grandpa, Ethan loves to go out and check the cows with him. Thanks for everything!! We love you lots!! To Cole's Dad: Thanks for always being there for us, and making us laugh with your funny jokes and stories. You wouldn't find a nicer friendlier guy in the world. The boys love their Papa, and we love you lots!!
To all my Grandpa's: Thanks for always being there for us and being such great examples!! We love you all lots!!

And last but not least, to Cole: He is such a great dad. The kids love him so much. Ethan and Hazen love when he comes home and wrestles with them. He would do anything for them. We love you lots, thanks for everything!!
10:49 AM
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Saturday, June 14
Happy Birthday Whitney!!!
Whitney got here last night about 11:00, and Ethan was so excited he was about ready to jump out of his skin. He had hidden her presents and made her open them as soon as she got here, well after he showed her his room. They had a blast playing, I swear they were up until 2 am. :) And then Ethan woke up this morning before everyone, which NEVER happens, and went and woke her up to play. We are so happy she is here and that we get to spend some time with her. She is so tall and grown up. WE love you lots Whitney. Happy Birthday, yesterday that is.
8:08 PM
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Friday, June 13
Finally Warm Weather!!!
Yay!!! We finally had warm weather today, I'm so happy. Ethan went swimming with Uncle Lando, and had a blast jumping in.
8:17 PM
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Tuesday, June 10
Hazen's First Camping trip--
We decided to go camping this weekend, well actually Cole begged and pleaded until we decided to go. I am hoping one of these days Cole will listen to me when it comes to the weather, but probably not:) It was pretty cold and rainy, but the boys had a blast playing in the dirt and on the rocks. They even tried a little fishing. Ethan loved the waterfall at Spring Hollow. So needless to say, crappy weather and all we had a blast!!!
9:21 PM
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