Whitney got baptized on the 30th. It was such a great day for her. She was so happy and kept saying how she wanted to do it all over again. We are so proud of you Whitney and we love you lots!! Thanks to everyone that came and supported her, and for all the help everyone gave!!
Friday, June 12
Whit's Baptism!!
10:43 PM
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Busy Weekend continued...
Cole's sister, Shawna and her kids and Cole's parents, all came into town for Whit's baptism. The kids had a blast swimming and playing together. We had a great time having them all here.**Cole and all the kiddos**
**Pat, Shawna, and Cloyce**
**Ethan and Gabe**
**The whole gang**
10:18 PM
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Happy Birthday Hazen!!
Wow, we have had so much going on lately,once again I'm a slacker at posting pictures. Hazen turned 2 last week!! Where does time go, I cannot believe my baby is 2 years old already!!**Hazen and Grandma opening presents**
**Showing his cool 4wheeler from Mimi and Papa**
**Ethan was a super good brother and wanted to help open EVERY present:)**
**He picked a Sponge Bob cake, no idea why he is not in this**
We are so blessed to have Hazen, he is such a sweet and good natured boy. He wakes up happy and stays that way all day, for the most part anyway:) He wants to be just like his big brother and loves to wrestle and play with him, and can throw webs better than any 5 year old can:) We love you so much Hazen!!
9:53 PM
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