Hazen thinks he is a big boy now. He is crawling all over the place and you have to watch him every second. He loves to climb up everything he can. He laughs every time he climbs up something. It is funny. What cute boys we have??
Thursday, January 24
I'm a Big Boy Now!!
7:24 PM
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Sunday, January 20
Who do they look like???
We were looking through some old pics today. It is funny how you can see similarities to your kids in our pictures of old:) Cole and I both thought these two of me looked alot like Ethan. I asked Ethan who was in the pic of me holding a cake and he said " that's me mom." Pretty crazy. But I could also see a little bit of Haze in the younger one. But maybe its just me ha ha We'll post some of Cole later.
12:26 PM
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Saturday, January 19
Cute pics
Ethan is so funny lately. He finds the craziest places to watch tv. This is where I found him the other day. He is also on this "why" kick. He asked me a couple weeks ago why we bought Haze at the doctor and then yesterday we saw a pic of me when I was pregnant and he asked me why I ate Haze. It was pretty funny. What a little cutie. I thought this pic of Haze was pretty cute. What a little poser already!
10:17 PM
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Tuesday, January 15
Saturday, January 12
Ethan loves having a little brother. He is so good with Hazen. He is even learning to share his toys, a little.:)
7:55 PM
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Tonight Taiya and Teasha brought Ethan some ring pops to help make him feel better. He was so excited and opened all of them at the same time. He was just sitting there trying all the flavors and all of the sudden he said "mom I want to marry you." It was so funny. Then he brought me one of his ring pops and was like hey dad I married mom. It was so stinkin cute and pretty much hilarious. What can I say, the kid knows what the girls like, HUGE DIAMONDS. ha ha
7:42 PM
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Friday, January 11
Ethan Goes to the Hospital!!
So today was a little scary. All the sudden Ethan started crying and screaming that his stomach hurt. He kept holding his side and was crying so hard, I could tell he was in a lot of pain. So we took him up to the hospital and he got an ultra sound on his stomach and all kinds of fun tests. The poor little guy, it was so sad. After his medicine started kicking in he was pretty funny about it all. I told him he was a good boy at the doctor and he said " Yeah me was good and let her check my stomach, me didn't try to punch her." It was so funny, I think he was having bad memories from the dentist. ha ha When I showed him this picture he said "Oh my gosh, look at my hair." I think he definately takes after his dad. Anyway, hope we don't have to fo that anytime soon. I have no idea why this is a mini picture. sorry!
10:26 PM
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Saturday, January 5
Silly Boys--
Ethan loves to pose lately for pictures and he loves to show off all his super hero moves. He asked me the other day for his pool goggles and now he wears them all the time cuz they are super hero goggles he says. :) Hazen's new favorite thing is to crawl into the kitchen and look at himself in the garbage can or over to the dishwasher and pull all of the alphabet magnets off. Its pretty funny to watch. There is also a pic of his favorite pose. He loves to lay on his side. :)
10:00 PM
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Friday, January 4
So I was in on the computer for like five minutes and I came out and found the two little trouble makers in the hallway, with every blanket and pillow in the house on the floor. They were both laughing it was hilarious. (I hope the text isn't too hard to read with my new background. I like it though, so I'm keeping it for now ha ha)
10:40 PM
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Wednesday, January 2
Nothing is safe anymore--
Haze is all over the place now. He does his little army crawl all over the house. Ethan loves it because he'll chase him down the hall. He is also sitting up by himself, and loves to do patty-cake. He just loves to babble , but I swear he says patty-cake ha ha. I thought this video was pretty funny.
6:32 PM
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