We had our annual Christmas party at my dad's this last weekend. We had a blast as usual. I had to post all these pics, it was so funny, we always get pj's and this year we also got some super cool bling to go along with them. I think Cole was really getting into it:) We all had a great time with it. The kids had a blast also. Santa made his yearly appearance, however once again my kids DID NOT like Santa. Ethan and Will got some awesome Batman costumes and Ethan has barely taken his off!!
Tuesday, December 23
Holy Christmas Party BATMAN!!!
9:04 PM
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Tuesday, December 16
I couldn't decide which one I liked..

10:37 PM
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Tuesday, December 9
O Christmas Tree--
Ethan wanted to draw a picture of our Christmas tree, I think he did a really good job. He is way excited for Christmas this year and is constantly adding stuff to his wish list:) He even wrote his name all by himself!!
9:01 PM
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Monday, December 1
Thanksgiving Day-Turkey,Birthday, Twilight, and a BIG FAT Rock:)
We had a great Thanksgiving this year. We went to my mom's house and had a blast with all my brothers and sisters and their families, minus Tai and Cam:( Here are a bunch of random pics of everyone, mostly sleeping!!
**Cole and Haze**
**Jason and the pie server:)**
**Lando **
**Silly Ethan**
**Izzy, Will and Halle**
**Crazy Laura**
**Happy Birthday Brooks!! We love you lots and hope you had a great birthday. We're glad we got to see you on your birthday, I'm surprised law students even get birthdays ha ha. Thanks for being such a good brother and uncle.. We love you lots!!
**YAY!! They're ENGAGED!!! The happy couple-- Lando and Natalie--Congrats!!!
Lando and Natalie got engaged on Thanksgiving night, we are SO happy for them. We love you guys!!
And last but not least, me and the girls, Taiya, Macken, Laura and Natalie all went to see Twilight, I had a blast, it was fun to go with them all, everyone probably hated us in there because we couldn't quit laughing.. All I have to say is eye booger, Laura ha ha!! It wasn't what I was hoping it would be, but it was a fun time anyway, and I guess I always have the books!! :)
9:39 PM
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