Every Memorial Day we go to my Grandpa Billy's and have a BBQ. It is always fun to see everyone and eat lots of good food. :)**The kids had a blast running around and playing together**
**Grandpa Billy**
**It was also Will's birthday so we all went to the Fun Park and played games, and the kids had a blast as always**
**Will won like 200 tickets playing Deal or No Deal, he was super excited. He was really nice and split them with everyone.**
Thursday, May 28
Memorial Day!!
9:44 PM
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Saturday, May 23
Kado's track meet!!
I'm trying to catch up my blog, I've been meaning to post these pics for a couple weeks. We went to Provo to watch Kado run, the kids had a blast and it was fun as always to see Kado. He did amazing as always, good job bud, we love you lots:) Ethan was so excited when Kado took him down on the track and talked to the coaches and stuff.**Ethan with Grandma and Grandpa**
12:04 AM
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Friday, May 22
State track!!!
My kids have basically been raised going to track meets, and this year was no exception. We actually went to twice as many this year. They love going and pretending they are racing. They want to be just like Uncle "Do" and Aunt Macken We went to Provo last weekend to watch Mack run at state. We had a great time, as always, and she did amazing, we are proud of you Mack and love you lots!!**On your mark...
**Get set...
**Macken, Kado, and Mom**
**Tai, Haze and Kado, and Grandma, and Mack cheesing it in the back**
**Thumbs up**
**What cute siblings I have**
**Charles, Jimmer, and Kado loving all the excitement**
**Ethan said I had to post uncle Kado in the bee chair, he said it is so so funny**
11:28 PM
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Thursday, May 21
Wedding Pics!!
Lando and Natalie got married on the 9th. It was such a good day. Everything went really good, and was really nice. They were both so happy, and we are so happy for them. I have such a great family, it is always fun to spend time with them. Everyone looked so cute in their black and purple.:)**Hazen dancing a jig**
**Whit cheesing it**
**Not sure what I'm doing here, some of my cute family**
**Cole and Ethan**
**Me and Mack, gotta love the kissy face**
**Mom and Rell**
**Best Buddies :) Lan and Tyson**
**Smart kid, Ethan decided to take a nap ha ha, he did this at Taiya's reception too**
**Hazen loving the milk shakes**
**And Whit too**
**Super cheesy smiles**
**The happy couple, cutting the cake**
10:11 PM
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Thursday, May 14
Happy Birthday Ethan!!
It was Ethan's birthday last week. He was so excited, he couldn't wait for Whitney to be here on his birthday. We had a fun day, he opened his presents and played all day and wanted to go to McDonald's to eat, so we went there and attempted to go see a movie too.. I can't believe he is 5 years old already!!**Ethan was super excited to open presents, Haze was not too excited he didn't get any..thank goodness Ethan is such a good brother and shared..**
**Cute little birthday boy**
**He was so happy Whit go to be here with him on his birthday**
**His most favorite present ever**
**Don't you just love all his cheesy smiles!!**
We love you Ethan, we couldn't ask for a sweeter, kinder, crazier boy than you. We are so blessed to have you and love you so much!!
10:08 PM
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Tuesday, May 5
Easter pics....a month later!!
We did so many fun things for Easter, I had a ton of pictures to post, maybe that's why it took so long, I was overwhelmed by the number of pictures:)Ethan had a blast at Baby Animal Days, he loved riding the horse and the Easter bunny, and basically everything there, if you can't tell by the smile. Hazen on the other hand wasn't really in the mood for it all. He was all excited to ride the horse, and when we set him on it, he freaked out screamed like a little girl:) Maybe next year.
**My studly little guys**
We had an Easter egg hunt at my mom's with all the cousins, minus Will and Halle, the kids loved it and loved all the candy!! What a great weekend!!
10:21 PM
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