Saturday, April 19

"Oh yeah the Ohio State Football Game"

Landon is in Ohio and sent us this pic of him at the Ohio State football game, so I thought I would post it. Him and his friends played on an intramural team at Utah State and won the championship there, and so they got to go to Arizona to play. They won the tournament there also and so they got to go to Ohio, so that is why he is at the Ohio State game:) Anyway they got to play at Ohio State and have won 3 of their games so far!! Good luck guys:)


Taiya Brown said...

I still can't believe they have gone that far! It's crazy! I hope they win!

Laura said...

We didn't even know about that until yesterday. I guess you get out of the loop when you move away. Way to go Lando:)

Heather Whitehead said...

Go Landon that's awesome! WOW! I can't believe how grown up he is, we are just getting to old right!? ha ha Does he still live in Logan? Tell all your fam i said hi how is everyone? Anything new with you?