Last weekend we went to Salt Lake for Cole's family's Thanksgiving dinner. We had a good time as always, I forgot to take pictures, but I did get one of the boys sleeping!! On the way down we stopped at Chucke Cheese's, Ethan's favorite place. I do have to admit I had a blast too:) We decided we haven't had family pictures in a while and got a heck of a deal there so we took advantage of it. :)
Saturday, November 29
Pre Thanksgiving Party--
10:15 PM
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Friday, November 28
(I had to post the funniest picture of Cole I could find, I doubt he'll be happy:)
What is your husband's name? Cole
How long have you been married? 5 1/2 almost 6 yrs.
How long did you date? 2 years
How old is he? 33
Who eats more sweets? That is most definitely me
Who said "I love you" first? He did, of course!
Who is taller? Cole is.
Who can sing the best? Not me that's for sure, Cole does have a pretty good voice, his mom still swears he should have been in choir in high school:)
Who is smarter? That's easy, me. Ha ha. We are both smart about different things.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
Who mows the lawn? Neither, but when we had one we both did. I actually like mowing the lawn.
Who cooks dinner? McDonald's does:) I usually do, unless it involves meat then Cole does, I hate cooking meat. Well, I can handle hamburger I guess:)
Who drives? I try to drive as much as possible, but Cole usually won't let me, he says I give him anxiety and vice versa. He is always quick to remind me he is now a professional driver..gag. ha ha
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first.
Who asked who out first? He asked me out, and then I brought my roommate along :)
Who wears the pants? Depends what pair we're talking about....but I would say me, no its pretty equal:)
12:06 PM
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Thursday, November 13
Happy Birthday bud!! I can't believe he is all grown up now, and in college. How sad:)What can I say, he is an amazing kid. Kado is such a good brother, and also a great uncle. My boys love him to death!! And so do I. He is the sweetest guy ever and would do anything for anyone. We love you lots and miss you!! Hope you have a great day!! **Birthday Party**
**Sexy Hat and Sexy Underwear ha ha. Ethan wanted to get him a funny present, so we got him girl underwear:)**
**Old man at 19**
5:37 PM
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Monday, November 10
Rock Star!!
Thanks to Cam:) Ethan wanted to be a Rock Star just like Taiya and Cam. We saw these spiderman tattoo's and Ethan just had to have them, and basically gave himself sleeves:) He keeps telling me he is a rockstar!!I had to post this picture it's hilarious!!
10:34 PM
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Sunday, November 2
On Halloween Ethan had a Halloween Parade at Preschool. He was so excited to go to school and did such a good job. It was so cute I loved it. He didn't want to wear his hulk costume, cuz someone else was hulk, so he wore his Spiderman suit. Needless to say there was not a shortage of super heroes around here on Halloween:)
**Dad and Haze before E's parade**
8:31 PM
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Saturday, November 1
Halloween Festivities
This week we did a lot of fun Halloween things. We took the kids to the Pumpkin Walk, Ethan loved it. We practically went around twice. We also made Halloween cookies and decorated them, and then of course did pumpkins.. what a fun week. I love Halloween!!
Flashback to 2001:)
****2008****Haze hiding from the pumkin guts!!
3:38 PM
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