This last weekend we had our annual Christmas party at my dad' usual it was full of great fun and lots of food... ...all the silly grandkids.. I love this picture....
...random pics of everyone there....
Laura, Tai, and me
...Ethan telling Santa all the many things he wants this year...
...this is as good as it got for Hazen, notice he is freaking out...
...Dad and Darlene... Go Utes!! ha ha
...Look at that smile...
..and this one too.. ha ha
E and will...
And it just wouldn't be a party without Pajama's... the kids LOVED their's...
and so did we...
Not such a good pic.. but handsome boys I must say :)
We had such a good time, it is always so much fun to stay over with my Dad and Darlene and my brothers and sisters, it is a blast to just hang out and have fun.. we also got in a few midnight runs to IN and OUT Burger.. gotta love it~
Tuesday, December 22
Dad's Christmas Party...
8:52 PM
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Ethan's Christmas Program!
Last Thursday Ethan had his school Christmas program, he did SO good!! He sang all the songs SOOO good and did all the actions too! Ethan and Haze after...
What handsome little boys!! Good job Ethan we love you:)
8:37 PM
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Tuesday, December 15
This is what happens....
WHEN I LEAVE MY KIDS WITH TAIYA AND CAM!!! ha ha I love all these pics, they are hilarious!! I think they are imitating Tai and Cam's poses :) I will have to post the breakdancing video later!! ha ha Thanks guys for babysitting! Love ya :)
10:56 PM
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Some recent fun...
Ethan has been begging me for weeks to make a Ginger Bread house, so I finally gave in and let them make one. Who knew it would be so hard to get the dang thing to stay together, if Taiya hadn't given me a helpful hint, it probably would have went out the window :)For once Haze actually enjoyed putting the candy on instead of eating it, and Ethan absolutely loved making it...
Such posers... so cute.. love Hazen's face.. ha
The finished product..done almost all by them!!
Here is a pic of the boys the other day, all excited to go play in the snow...
and here they are after!
And last but not least I had to post this pic of Cinderella and my boys, she stopped by to visit!!
Ha ha love ya Tai!!
10:08 PM
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Tuesday, December 8
Busy Weekend continued...
The day after Thanksgiving all the girls in the family got together,(except Natalie she had to work, crappy) and had a craft day!! It was so much fun to get together and everyone's crafts turned out so cute!! Can't wait to do it again:)It was also my brother Brooks' birthday on Friday. We all went to Firehouse to celebrate! He is such an amazing brother, and person in general :) He has always been such a great example to me. He is truly someone I look up to and admire. We love you lots Brooks :) Even if you are a Ute fan... ha ha
Saturday morning me and the boys, and Tai and Cam headed down to Salt Lake to have a late Thanksgiving dinner, well sort of, with my dad and Darlene. It was so fun to see them, and the kids had fun helping Grandma Darlene put up the Christmas Decorations!
Cute little turkeys...
Darlene.. yet another Ute fan :) and Dad bending over in the oven:)
**Cute pic of Haze I had to post**
8:46 PM
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Turkey and all the trimmings :)
We had such a great Thanksgiving this year... I have so many wonderful things to be THANKFUL for...All these people are just a few of the many:)... Nothing better than spending time with family!!
My mom, and sisters and I got a little crazy taking pics.. gotta love them:)
Ethan and Hazen decided to play Wrestlemania ha ha... Haze can definitely take care of himself... so funny...
7:47 PM
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