Hazen is now in the stage where he wants to do everything Ethan is doing. Ethan had an ice cream cone the other day, and Haze wanted one too. So I thought what the heck, Shanna gave Daxton one, I'll give him one. He LOVED it.Ethan has been so funny lately, we had pizza the other night, Little Caesar's, his favorite. He was so proud he said "mom I can read" and he spelled h-o-t-n-r-e-a-d-y and he said "that spells pizza". I tried to correct him but he wouldn't believe me. What funny boys:)Hazen stole Ethan's pizza...
and ran away when I tried to get it!
Sunday, April 20
Messy Boys!!
9:52 PM
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Saturday, April 19
"Oh yeah the Ohio State Football Game"
Landon is in Ohio and sent us this pic of him at the Ohio State football game, so I thought I would post it. Him and his friends played on an intramural team at Utah State and won the championship there, and so they got to go to Arizona to play. They won the tournament there also and so they got to go to Ohio, so that is why he is at the Ohio State game:) Anyway they got to play at Ohio State and have won 3 of their games so far!! Good luck guys:)
6:49 PM
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Tuesday, April 15
Monday, April 14
Hogle Zoo
We went to Hogle Zoo this weekend, Ethan loved it, and Haze just pretty much loved riding in the stroller. But we had a fun time:)Ethan loved the penguins
A skunk monkey:)
11:34 PM
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Playing at Papa Scott's
We went down to see my dad this last weekend, and the weather was so nice the boys had a blast playing outside.
9:40 PM
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Thursday, April 10
Flashback to 2002
So Landon was over here last night and we were looking at some old pictures, and we saw this one and I loved it, I told him I was gonna post it. Landon-Kado-Brooks
10:11 PM
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Monday, April 7
Camping Trip
Today Ethan wanted to build a tent, so I had the great idea to put up his little tent. He loved it. He wanted me to get in with him, and how could I say no. (nothing like a little claustrophobia). I think he just liked zipping the door up because he kept getting in and out, but I had to stay in:) He would get out and turn off the lights and say ok its night time, and then a minute later he would get up and turn on the lights and tell me I needed to get up, not that it was possible, if you can't tell I could barely move. Lovely pictures I know:) Not quite sure what I'm doing here, but Ethan's face is hilarious.
9:51 PM
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Saturday, April 5
Walk and Roll--
Hazen has been trying to walk for about a month now and he has it down pretty good. He thinks he is big and has to walk all the time. He loves to walk up and down the hallway. He found Ethan's Mickey Mouse ears and loved them. :)
8:30 PM
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Tuesday, April 1
Cole's Obsession!!!
Cole loves to always tell me I am addicted to reality tv, but as of late Cole is the one addicted. He loves the show Big Brother. He says it is a great show because it is all about strategy(uh huh:) He actually stayed up past 9:00 one night to watch it ha ha and then tonight I couldn't figure out who he was talking to, so I went in to see and he was telling some guy on the tv that he was crazy and had lost his mind. I thought this was hilarious and very ironic.:) p.s 20 minutes later he is still talking to the tv, and I just googled Big Brother and the Big Brother fan club link had been looked at, he probably joined. Ha ha just thought I would share this.
8:23 PM
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