My stepmom Darlene turned 50 on the 19th. She threw herself a big ol' bash and flew in all her family from Alabama. It was fun to see her kids and their families and also her mom. The kids had a blast playing together!!
**The Birthday Girl****All the little kiddos** ( I love Haze's face in this one)
**And I love Ethan in this one, so I posted both**
**Haze and his bling, love the hair huh**
**Hazen's new favorite thing to do**
**Cute couple, Dad and Darlene**
**Dad in his bling from the Sugar Bowl**
Saturday, January 31
Darlene's 50th Party!!
4:18 PM
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Friday, January 16
Little Stinker!!
Hazen is such a little stinker. Yesterday I was getting ready and did not notice that he had taken my lipliner. All the sudden he said "Mom, Mom" and I looked down and he had the proudest smile on his face. He was so thrilled with what he had done, all Ethan and I could do was laugh. He is getting so big I can't believe it. He is such a calm, well usually, and relaxed little boy. He is always happy and wants to be just like his big brother. He will no longer sit in his high chair, he has to be at the table, and his favorite words are no and football. His favorite thing to do is play football. He is starting to talk so much, if I don't answer when he says mom one time he starts calling me Aim, I am still wondering where he picked that up:) My baby is growing up:(
9:33 PM
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Tuesday, January 13
I can't believe I am barely posting our Christmas pictures. I have no idea where time goes. We had such a good Christmas this year, I was really sad it was all over so soon. We had Whitney with us this year and the boys had a blast playing with her. She is such a sweet girl. We went to my mom's for Christmas Eve, and the kids attempted to do the Nativity. It was hilarious. And Cole's parents came on Christmas Day and stayed for a few days so that was also fun to spend time with them. Needless to say we had tons of fun with all our family and the kids had a blast, Ethan had a cheesy smile for every present and Haze actually was into opening presents this year, he would tear off the paper and then go for the next one. Enjoy the pics, there are tons of them, sorry!!
11:01 PM
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