I've been meaning to post these for a while, and just remembered. Cole has a facial hair obsession, just teasing. But he grew out his beard and decided to have fun getting rid of it:)**Big bushy beard, although it got much bushier than this**
**Big bushy Goatee**(Is that how you spell it)
**Handlebar mustache** (Ethan cried and would not talk to him when he had this ha ha)
**Sick Mustache** ( I cried and would not talk to him when he had this:) He looks like the peculiar purple pie man, does anyone know who that is besides me?? From Strawberry Shortcake:)
** And last but not least, no facial hair, smooth as a baby's bottom :) I only had a side view picture.
Tuesday, March 24
Cole's Facial Hair Fun:)
3:47 PM
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Monday, March 23
Big Moments at Our House!!
We have had a lot going on at our house lately....Hazen now goes potty on the toilet, he came in the other day and said "poo poo" so I told him to go sit on his potty and go and he hasn't stopped since. Wow I love it. When he is done he stands up and pumps his fists and says "yes" or "whoo hoo". Only diapers at night, the end is in sight:) ha ha that rhymed!
Also, we went and registered Ethan for kindergarten last week. He wasn't too excited at first but he is now. I took him and drove by the school, and he got really excited when he saw the play ground. He did really good with his assessment, and loved being there. He took his webkinz for moral support:) How sad he is this old, I'm not that old...who am I kidding ha ha
10:04 PM
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Tuesday, March 17
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Yes, I know I'm a mean mother, but I couldn't resist. I love cheesy stuff like this:) Hazen loved it, I bought two of them but Ethan was having nothing to do with it, he said he would wear his Hulk costume today and that is enough green for him:)
1:42 PM
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Wednesday, March 11
Six years and Moab!!
It was our anniversary this last weekend, and Cole wanted to spend some time with the boys,so we decided to get out of the freezing cold and go see Cole's parents. They took us out sight seeing and we got to see a lot of cool things. As you know there are about 8 million cool places to go in Southern Utah. It was so nice to go somewhere with blue skies and the sun shining, I wanted to stay there:) We had a great time, it was so nice to get away for a few days, but it sucked coming home to 2 feet of snow:) **Me and Haze with Cloyce and Pat at Moki Dugway, (Ethan was asleep in the car)**
**Moki Dugway**
**Looking down on Moki Dugway, I have to admit this freaked me out. You drop 2000 ft in 3 miles!! See the winding road, you follow that and come out on the road to the far left, yeah freaky:)
**Bad lighting, but the boys at Wilson Arch**
Cole's parents took us to eat at a fun pizza place in Moab, they had great food and the boys loved it. Ethan got a map of Moab there and loved it, it was his favorite part of the trip. I tried to post a pic, but its not working so I'll post it later!!
7:44 PM
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Monday, March 9
Here's a little update on Hazen...
He is at that age where he wants to be just like Ethan, he wants to do everything he is doing, he even wants to wear all Ethan's clothes and shoes, it's cute. He thinks he is Mr. Independent and has to walk everywhere himself.
He is starting to talk a lot. His favorite words are "no, no, no" (usually directed at Ethan:) "Fishy" "shoe" "eeww" "heeeyyy" and he loves his "church shoes" and wants to wear them everywhere:)
Hopefully he will be potty trained soon, he hates wearing diapers, and loves to wear his big boy underwear. He will never go potty in them, he will throw a diaper at me and say"poo poo" if he needs to go, but will not go on the toilet. So hopefully soon!!
He is very animated, just like his brother and loves to sing and dance and show off. He loves to play ball, and spends most of the day throwing the football or playing basketball.
And he unlike Ethan loves the camera and says "Chee" anytime he see's it. What a little cutie, we love him lots:)
7:42 PM
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Update on Ethan
Today Ethan went to the Dr. to get his shots for Kindergarten. Where does time go?? I cannot believe he is this old. He did fairly well, a lot better than we expected considering his huge dislike of doctors, shots and medicine, (and I don't blame him). They checked his eyes, and he has 20/20 vision, he is in the 40th percentile for height, and 70th for weight.
He is at such a fun age. He is so inquisitive and asks us at least 20 times a day what different things mean. He asked me the other day what embarrassed means, and what it means to forgive someone, and it caught me off guard I was like well it means your embarrassed, and you forgive them, duh :) It actually makes me use my brain and think for once:) He is so funny, he keeps coming up with the funniest things, we were in the car the other day and he said "mom are you driving really super fast or really gently slow, cuz if your going fast the cops will get you" I just laughed but I guess its good I have him to keep me in check!! He also asked me how your boogers keep coming back when you have picked them already, we were laughing hysterically at this one:)
He also loves to say "that's a darn shame" and "honestly mom" , I have no idea where he picked these up but I love it when he says them!!
What a cute little guy, we love him so much and are very blessed to have him:)
P.S He also HATES his picture taken lately, hence the shortage of Ethan pictures.
7:18 PM
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Wednesday, March 4
Catching up--
I need to do a lot of catching up.. We went to Pocatello to to see my cute brother Kado at the track meet:) We had a fun time seeing him, and like always the boys had a blast with him, they love their Uncle Kado.He has a ham string injury, so my mom bought him some magic cream he was putting on when I took this pic:)
**Kado and Haze**
**Ethan was loving being down on the track, seeing what was going on**
My beautiful little sis went to a dance last weekend so I had to post some pics of her and her beautiful dress:)
****To be continued........
8:04 PM
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