We had such a fun 4th of July this year. We started out early and went to the parade in Lewiston with my mom and Macken, then walked around and let the kids play on all the blow up slides. Then we just hung out at my mom's and had a BBQ with everyone, well not everyone, but some of the fam, and then we watched the fireworks and then we ended the night with a fire and made smores. It was such a fun day just hangin out with fam.Me, mom and Haze
Me and my cute liittle stinker
Sexy sisters ha ha, well Tai and Mack are :)
Everyone at the fireworks
Me and Cole
This is Ethan's result of a long day playing....
and Hazen's too!!
Tuesday, July 7
4th of July Fun!
1:42 AM
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4th of July--Water fight!!
My mom had this crazy idea to have a water fight on the 4th of July. Ethan loved it for the most part, until Kado dumped water on his head ha ha and I think Macken, Kado and Jordan all had a blast, so good idea Mom:)**Jordan, and Kado ganging up on Mack**
**Ethan getting uncle Kado**
**Haze hiding from the water**
**Look at Ethan's face, hilarious**
**I love this pic**
Great Idea Mom!!
1:17 AM
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July 3rd!!
On Friday the 3rd we went to my Grandpa Billy's to watch the Logan fireworks. We BBQ'ed and had a fun time just hanging out. How cute is this? The boys and Cam.
The boys eating their hot dogs!
Another stinkin cute pic!
Me and E!
1:09 AM
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Logan Canyon
We decided to take the kids up the canyon and let them play and enjoy the warm weather for a change. They loved throwing rocks into the water. :) Easy entertainment!Haze was all pooped out from the day and fell asleep with Ethan's snow boots on, too cute. I had to post it.
12:56 AM
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Monday, July 6
Cole's Reunion
We went to Salt Lake a couple weeks ago for Cole's 15 Year High School Reunion!! Wow he is so old ha ha. It was actually in Park City, so we went down and stayed for the weekend, since Ethan had surgery the following Monday, and we wanted to see my dad for Father's Day! We had a great weekend, thanks everyone for letting us camp out!**I had to post this picture of the kids, I love it. They were helping Grandma Darlene make cobbler for Father's Day!"
**Cheese!! To 15 wonderful years out of high school ha ha**
**Me and Cole at the dinner**
**Lenn**( I am sure you will love this picture:)**
**The Rich High Class of '94, well at least those that came** Pretty funny, I think my class had nearly 50 times the people :)
10:49 PM
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Ethan's Surgery
**Ethan on the way to the hospital at 6 am.**
**Not too happy to be awake, either one of us:)**
**Ethan playing play station all loopy with medicine, and Cole posing for the camera or something:)
**Just out of surgery, sad :(
**In recovery, he was not too happy**
**Prizes for being such a tough boy, he was very happy with this**
10:27 PM
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Bear Lake!!
I am such a slacker when it comes to my blog. I try to be better about it but it just doesn't happen. So anyway I am going to post a bunch of stuff and catch up for my own sake, so I can remember things!
A few weeks ago we went over to Bear Lake with Shawna and her kids, we had a blast and luckily picked the only day in two weeks that it did not rain. **We stopped on the way at Rick's Springs to take a picture of the kids, not sure what Whit is doing ha ha**
**So cute, the kids on top of Bear Lake look out**
**Tired on the ride home**
**Haze was pooped out:) Love the upside down glasses**
**Ethan eating his lunch**
**Whit and Jen**
**Cole packing in the umbrella** Don't you love the clouds, they look fake**
**All the boys playing in the sand**
**Mini golf in the sand**
9:50 PM
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