Thursday, November 26

Herald Journal All-Valley Player of the Year

My beautiful amazing sister got the All-Valley Player of the year!! Yay!! I am so proud of her and so happy for her. She totally deserves it. She is the most amazing soccer player ever, and even a better sister. I don't know what I would do without her. We love you tons Mack whoo hoo!!For an amazing article on her, that totally made me cry through the whole thing :), click on the link...
Formation changer


Taiya Brown said...

I'm SO happy for Mack, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more! She really is an awesome player:) Love you MACK!:)

Kristi Rowley said...

Congrats! That is awesome!
Hey, we are trying to get our Christmas cards sent out. Not sure if I have the right address. Do you still have the PO box. Will you e-mail me your address? My email is kristi rowley at hotmail dot com. Thanks!